Efficient Salesforce CPQ Implementation: Simplifying Your Sales Process – A Case Study


We recently worked with a client in the renewable energy sector that rents turbines and generators to provide alternative fuels. Although they were using Pipedrive as their CRM system, they weren’t happy with their implementation efforts. 

Their sales team was limited by a single subscription and relied primarily on spreadsheets to keep track of sales activities. Recognizing the booming demand for renewable energy solutions in Europe and Latin America, our client was ready to expand outside of their current market in the U.S. and Canada. 

Unfortunately, their inefficient system was holding them back. To help them grow and streamline their sales processes, they needed to develop a better system with Salesforce CPQ. 

Business Challenges

This client was facing several pressing business challenges that hampered their operational efficiency and ability to scale. These challenges stemmed from multiple issues with Pipedrive and the lack of an integrated quoting and pricing system.

Low Adoption Rates

The Pipeline adoption rate among the sales team was extremely low. Because it didn’t meet their needs, they were relying on data that was scattered across disparate systems. 

Scattered Systems 

Salespeople had a difficult time accessing the information they needed and, as a result, often made mistakes in their quotes. Due to the patchwork systems, management couldn’t extract reliable data to make informed decisions. 

Inadequate quote filtering also complicated the sales process. This lack of organization added unnecessary delays, which negatively affected customer satisfaction.

Slow Approval Process

Another stumbling block was that all quotes required direct approval from the CEO. This centralized approval process created a bottleneck in the sales process. It caused significant delays in responding to customer inquiries and closing deals. 

Complicated Pricing Needs

The company needed flexibility in pricing to offer daily, weekly, and monthly rates. However, their pricing structure was complex and included premium, market, and floor options. 

Unique Solution

To address the multi-layered and complex challenges this client faced and to prepare them to expand into new international markets, we helped develop a plan to effectively implement Salesforce CPQ. 

Streamlined Pricing and Accurate Quotes

We set up automated processes for updating price books so the sales team can always access the latest pricing information. We configured Salesforce CPQ to incorporate the client’s complex pricing methods directly into the quote generation process. The sales team could automatically create accurate and competitive quotes.


With Salesforce CPQ, we set up automated notifications for sales personnel whenever new accounts were created or loans were closed and deposited. This feature helped keep the team informed and responsive to critical developments in real time.

The custom fields and automation flows let the client auto-generate account numbers when new accounts are created. This eliminated manual input to reduce errors and save time.

Custom fields also allowed for more comprehensive data collection throughout the sales cycle. This improved analysis and decision-making.

Integration with DocuSign

To speed up the closing process, we integrated Salesforce with DocuSign. Clients can sign documents electronically to improve the customer experience. 

Simplified Product Bundling and Pricing

We used Salesforce CPQ’s standard functionality to simplify setting up product bundles, pricing, and templates. This made it easier for the sales team to offer tailored solutions to customers and quickly adjust offerings in response to market demands.

Thorough Testing and Best Practices

To get the most out of Salesforce, we conducted thorough testing. Then we set up best practices for Salesforce configurations so the system would be comprehensive, scalable, and capable of supporting the client’s growing international business.

This comprehensive solution addressed the immediate challenges and equipped the client with a scalable tool that could adapt to evolving market needs and business strategies. After implementation, they were prepared for sustained growth and success.

Business Process Mapping 

Business process mapping is often the difference between success and failure with new systems. Salesforce has the potential to transform a business, but without effective implementation, it’s simply an expensive — and often unused — icon on the home screen. 

Our client had already experienced this with Pipedrive. To drive better results with Salesforce, we started by identifying individual tasks or activities that need to be completed to achieve a specific outcome. 

Next, we identified the flow of operations, decision points, and inputs and outputs related to each process. The last step was assigning the roles and responsibilities — who’s responsible for each job and how it fits into the hierarchy of the company. 

Business process mapping helps provide a clear understanding of a process from start to finish. This can be particularly useful for change management when switching to a new system. 

Astreca works with businesses of all sizes to create customized implementation and support plans for Salesforce and Hubspot. Reach out today for a consultation. 

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