
Leveraging the Power of Salesforce Prediction Builder for Business Success

Salesforce Prediction Builder

Salesforce Prediction Builder is an innovative feature within the Salesforce AI ecosystem that enables you to create custom predictive models using your existing data. Salesforce rebranded this tool as Einstein Prediction Builder, as part of its Einstein platform that incorporates AI-powered predictive analytics to deliver business insights.

Key Features of Prediction Builder 

Prediction Builder leverages historical data to predict future outcomes and offers transparency into the predictive models so you can better understand how the predictions were made. Transparency provides you the confidence to make decisions.

Other features include:

Easy-to-use Interface 

One of the biggest reasons people aren’t embracing AI or data analytics is the perceived complexity of the tools.

Salesforce AI predictive models do not require coding or data science skills, enabling more users to leverage business intelligence and make data-driven decisions. It is surprisingly easy to use, but don’t let that fool you. Prediction models have serious horsepower.

The platform guides you through the process of selecting data sources, choosing prediction goals, and deploying models. Pre-built templates can get you started quickly and you can customize your options for even greater insight.

Customizable Predictions

You can create predictions for a wide range of customized outcomes — everything from sales forecasting to inventory management to customer retention.

You can use filters to set parameters for predictions based on certain fields within the data. If there are no specific field that matches, you can let Prediction Builder know and it will scan the data for you.

Seamless Integration with Salesforce

Prediction Builder is baked into the Salesforce system, so it integrates seamlessly, creating a smooth data flow. You never have to worry about data being out of sync. Salesforce integration enables you to automatically populate reports and dashboards, and customize workflows.

Benefits of Using Prediction Builder 

Prediction Builder can provide a competitive advantage. By anticipating market trends and adapting to changing customer expectations, you can stay ahead of the competition. Other benefits include:

Data-driven Decision Making

When you have data backing your predictions, you can reduce risk and increase confidence in your decisions to power business growth. Yet, the volume of data at our disposal these days can easily lead to paralysis. 72% of those surveyed by Oracle admit that the amount of data has stopped them from making any decision.

Salesforce Prediction Builder sorts through the data for you, simplifying data analysis to help you make decisions more easily.

Enhanced Efficiency Through Automation

You can significantly enhance efficiency with predictive models using data automation. This saves time and reduces the potential for human errors. 

The automation of routine analytics tasks reduces the dependence on data scientists and IT specialists, allowing more users to access predictive intelligence. This also frees up teams to take on more strategic initiatives — armed with the data they need to improve outcomes.

As new data is added, Einstein Prediction Builder also continuously updates and retrains models.

Improved Customer Experience and Personalization

In business today, the battleground is customer experience (CX). Yet, cutbacks at many companies have degraded this experience over the past year, according to an Accenture study. Yet, 75% of those surveyed by PwC say CX is often the key differentiator in choosing between purchase options.

Einstein Prediction Builder empowers you to anticipate customer needs and preferences, improving CX and customizing marketing and support to power your communication strategy.

Getting Started with Prediction Builder 

There are a few key steps to get started with Salesforce Prediction Builder.

  • Define prediction goal: Identify what you want to predict, such as lead conversion likelihood or customer churn risk, to ensure your efforts align with business objectives. 
  • Prepare historical data: Clean, consolidate, and enrich your Salesforce data to ensure it is comprehensive and relevant to your prediction goal, as the accuracy of predictions heavily depends on data quality. 
  • Build prediction model: Use Salesforce Prediction Builder’s intuitive interface to select relevant fields, choose prediction types, and set model parameters. Salesforce automatically trains and tests your model. 
  • Integrate predictions: You can incorporate the results into Salesforce dashboards, reports, or objects to streamline access.
  • Analyze and implement: Examine prediction results and implement strategies based on insights, such as setting up automated workflows or adjusting sales strategies, while continuously monitoring and refining models for ongoing accuracy.
  • Training users: Don’t skimp on training. Team members need to understand how to use, interpret, and act on predictions to maximize value.

Transforming Data Analysis and Business Intelligence

Salesforce Prediction Builder is transforming data analysis, simplifying the process so that business leaders can leverage the power of predictive intelligence to grow their businesses. Using Salesforce Prediction Builder can unlock the potential of your data and drive business success. 

While Prediction Builder is easy to use, it can be complex to implement. Astreca can help. We develop custom solutions to support your Salesforce and HubSpot implementation and optimization. Contact us today to today to discuss how we can help you leverage Salesforce Prediction Builder for your business.

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