
Benefits of the Salesforce Shopify Integration

Salesforce Shopify Integration

Shopify is a powerful eCommerce platform, delivering an array of features to build a compelling, powerful, and effective online presence. It’s one of the most popular tools to build online companies that deliver sales while managing products, taking payments and marketing goods.

For companies that also want to manage contact details, sales and marketing promotions and track engagements with prospects and customers, additional tools, called Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, are needed. One of the most effective CRMs is Salesforce, which helps improve productivity, manage leads and conversions, and enhance the customer experience.

Both Shopify and Salesforce are intuitive and easy to use and optimize. They go hand in hand.

The key to using these platforms is a Salesforce Shopify integration that connects data and insights across the two systems. Doing so gives you better access to information, better marketing campaigns and operations, better customer interactions and better workflows.

Does Salesforce Have Its Own Ecommerce Platform?

Salesforce does have its own ecommerce platform that supports B2C and B2B engagements. In recent years, it has developed and acquired technologies to offer its own line of website tools that can enable ecommerce companies. However, many businesses, particularly small businesses, choose to use one of the more familiar and experienced platforms, such as Shopify.

You Don’t have to Choose Between Salesforce vs Shopify

Salesforce and Shopify have their own unique strengths. Salesforce is one of the top players in CRM and contact management, and Salesforce-managed services let you integrate multiple tools within the platform. Shopify has long been a leading ecommerce tool.

Fortunately, you do not need to choose between one or the other. That’s the beauty of integrations that can ensure you have the best of both worlds.

How Does the Salesforce Shopify Integration Work?

Understanding how to connect your Shopify and Salesforce platforms needs to begin with a look at the options available. Then you can dive into the preferred features and functions to optimize your time and ROI.

One critical element of integration tools is the ability to manage have a single source of truth when it comes to your data. Syncing tools need to ensure that you have data sources in one place that feed the other.

The end goal should be seamlessness. You want a solution will ensure that data flows easily between the two and that information stored in one platform can be used, analyzed and leveraged in both.

Connecting Shopify to Salesforce

You can use basic tools in both platforms for your integration needs. For example, using the Shopify data export and Salesforce data import wizards allow you to download information in one platform and upload it into the other. However, these processes can be time-intensive, difficult to automate, and require work to set up, maintain and manage.

Shopify and Salesforce both feature APIs that can be used for downloading and uploading large amounts of data. They require some skills in coding to ensure they work properly.

Shopify and Salesforce have apps available in the Salesforce AppExchange that allow for data exchange to and from multiple platforms. Third-party providers generally create those tools.

In addition, many other third-party app creators offer integration tools specifically designed for Shopify and Salesforce.

Here are some core functionalities that a robust Shopify/Salesforce integration can achieve.

Contacts information

One of the greatest challenges of using multiple platforms is to ensure that data is not duplicated, inaccurate or inconsistent. Your integration should ensure that contact information syncs, including:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Key contacts (critical in B2B engagements)

The best integrations also allow for creating new records in Salesforce when new customers make purchases in Shopify.

Order Information & Confirmations

Your integration can help manage all of your order details. That includes pricing, total order costs, confirmations sent, and fulfillment management.

Field Mapping

A key component to integrations is to map fields from one platform to the other. Mapping is a critical part of the set-up of your integration tool and helps you match names, character counts, formats and usage in both platforms.

Real-Time Syncing

Your web business is a dynamic, always-on enterprise. That means your integration needs to work in real-time, allowing for updates to happen in the moment.

Multi-Store Integration

Do you have multiple stores whose customers are tracked in the same Salesforce CRM? With the proper integration tool, you can share data across multiple online stores into you customer relationship management platform.

Inventory Management

Details are essential. With a robust inventory management tool integrated within both platforms, you can track quantities, descriptions, and product variants.

Logs for Tracking

Reporting tools are essential to any integration process. Tracking logs allow you to see a summary of the integration, including how much and what kinds of data were synced.

Salesforce for B2B Integration

While many people think of Shopify as being used for B2C sites, it’s also a popular and powerful tool for B2B commerce. You want to ensure that your data can be shared across Shopify into your B2B Salesforce tool. It allows you to better track customers, leads and sales and have your team reach out, connect and engage past, current and potential customers.

Using Salesforce Ecommerce Integration for Shopify Your Business

Information is invaluable today. With Salesforce Shopify integration, your business will have knowledge that you can use to enhance customer experiences, target outreach and generate more revenue.

Integrating the data across these essential tools allows you to harness the information you collect. Get the most out of your technology investments with a strong integration solution.

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